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Our participants feedback

What you said about this course

5 star rating


karen stephens

5 star rating

Developing and Implementing Nurse Led Clinics

Joanne Manson

Very informative, thank you!

Very informative, thank you!

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5 star rating


Vanessa Wiggins

Great presentation

Great presentation

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Course curriculum

    1. About this course

    2. Course Updates | Change Log

    3. How to use this course

    4. Before we begin...

    5. Introduction to Team Based Clinics

    1. I have an idea!

    2. Gathering Information

    3. Developing the Model

    4. Building a Budget | Money Matters

    5. Using the Team Care Budget Planner

    6. Marketing your Clinic

    7. Education, Training & Resources

    8. Implementing Your Clinic

    9. Evaluating Your Clinic

    1. Introduction to Chronic Disease | Diabetes Team Care Clinics

    2. Determining Services to be Provided

    3. Care Planning Activities (GPMP)

    4. Care Planning Activities (Team Care Arrangement)

    5. Involving the Team | Admin Roles

    6. Nurse Services | 10997

    7. Summary | Wrap up

    1. Resources for your Influenza Vaccination Clinic

    1. Your Team Based Clinic Plan

    2. What's next?

    3. Developing & Implementing Nurse Led Clinics | eLearning Module Evaluation

    4. Rate this course

About this course

  • $217.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content