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Course Reviews

Participant feedback

5 star rating

An excellent overview and step by step guide.

Jane Goldsmith

5 star rating


karen stephens

5 star rating


Vanessa Wiggins

Great presentation

Great presentation

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Course curriculum

    1. About this course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. A Case for Change | Quadruple Aim | Bodenheimer 10 Building Blocks. Please read and familiarise yourself with this document.

    4. Quadruple Aim Quiz

    1. Cervical Screening service ideas

    2. Gathering information

    3. Developing the model

    4. Your clinic CS plan

    1. Introduction to budget planning

    2. Budget Plan - Nurse only explainer

    3. Budget Plan - Nurse & GP Service explainer

    1. Marketing your CS clinic

    1. Education, Training and Resources for you CS clinic

    1. Implementing your CS clinic

About this course

  • $207.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content